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PLANETEN . STERNE . ERDE Linoldruck / Mars / Saturn / von UnikkArt PLANETEN . STERNE . ERDE Linoldruck / Mars / Saturn / von UnikkArt

PLANETEN . STERNE . ERDE Linoldruck / Mars / Saturn / von UnikkArt

PLANETEN . STERNE . ERDE Linoldruck / Mars / Saturn / von UnikkArt


Done on request, this is a version with heart at the roots and birds. The commissioner wasn't happy with it, so i'm posting it here. If you seriously really want to have this done on your body, con... Done on request, this is a version with heart at the roots and birds. The commissioner wasn't happy with it, so i'm posting it here. If you seriously really want to have this done on your body, con...

Dotwork brain heart geometric tattoo design - more designs: Dotwork brain heart geometric tattoo design - more designs:


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